This was a working building and the customer wanted no disturbance to the building’s occupants. The remit set was as follows;
- Replace two 440kw/hr R22 water-cooled air conditioning chillers, which were set in the basement, with new units of the same duty.
- Chilled primary and secondary chilled water pumps and to replace the condenser water circuit pumps.
- Replace the existing roof cooling tower and upgrade it by 25%.
- The three existing boilers were to be replaced and the pipe work rationalised. The new boilers were six 250kw modules on natural atmospheric gas also located in the basement. All heating system circulation pumps were replaced.
- The hot water calorifiers were replaced with two natural gas water heaters, each giving 1158l/h and a new fuel system installed for all boilers (6) and water heaters (2).
- The control panels for the hot water and the chilled water plant were upgraded.
- The water treatment dosing equipment was replaced.
- The R22 air conditioning equipment was replaced with a 28kw VRF AC system
The project was completed on time and within budget.
Congratulations to all the team!